Learn more about TMC's Training Programs on the International Day of Education
by TMC Corporate Communications on Thursday, January 25, 2024
Recruiting & Training

January 24 is the United Nations’ International Day of Education, which celebrates the importance of education and its power to build stronger communities around the world. At TMC, our commitment to education and training makes us a stronger company. TMC offers training opportunities for office and shop employees as well as drivers, to allow everyone the opportunity to gain new skills and develop as professionals.
Here are some of the training initiatives that are in place at TMC.
Driver Orientation and Training
TMC is very well known for its best-in-the-industry driver orientation and training program, which takes student drivers with little or no experience and prepares them to drive safely and professionally as part of our Black and Chrome fleet. TMC has training facilities in Columbia, SC, and Ankeny, IA, to serve student drivers from around the country. The training process teaches students about operating a truck, securing loads, and navigating the road safely. This classroom training lasts one to three weeks, depending on drivers’ experience and skill level.
TMC can also help military veterans utilize their education benefits during our training program. Contact a recruiter at (866) 790-8188 to learn more.
Over-the-Road Training
After initial classroom training, new drivers are paired with a driver trainer for their first two to four weeks behind the wheel. The driver trainer teaches real-world skills and helps new drivers understand TMC’s processes and policies. Our driver trainers are experienced, skilled drivers who share what they’ve learned with new drivers to set them up for success.
Internships and Apprenticeships
For students or early-career professionals, internships and apprenticeships can be a great way to get hands-on experience and learn the ropes at a company. TMC is proud to offer a number of internships throughout our company, in functional areas from logistics to operations to marketing. TMC also offers diesel tech apprenticeships to allow students to gain hands-on professional experience while they are completing their education.
Onboarding and Professional Development Programs
TMC believes that it is important for all employees to have the opportunity to grow and to develop their skills while they are employed here. In the Logistics division, the Logistics Training Team helps employee owners build their logistics knowledge, sales skills, and other important professional competencies through an innovative onboarding process. TMC also emphasizes the importance of more informal training, such as mentoring between employees, and the company offers employee owners the opportunity to receive partial reimbursement for tuition when they pursue a degree or certification related to their work for TMC.
Our training programs are just one way that we’re working toward Destination: Excellence every day. Thank you to everyone at TMC who works in our training departments! You help your fellow employee owners succeed, and you make TMC a better place to work.