CDL School Students Get a Closer Look at TMC
on Friday, February 5, 2021
Company News
Growing up in a truck driving family, TMC Driver, Tom Brandenburg knew he wanted to work in the Transportation Industry, specifically at TMC. Before applying to TMC, Tom flew out to TMC’s headquarters in Des Moines, IA to verify TMC was the real deal. He was astonished walking around TMC’s headq
uarters, learning all that is involved in flatbedding. After joining TMC, Tom wanted to give back to the company that gave him the opportunity to become a great driver. He joined a select group of drivers, chosen by TMC, to stop by CDL schools along his route to talk to students about his experience and the reality of truck driving. Tom is very diligent in making his on-time deliveries.
When trip planning, Tom takes into account traffic, cities, and CDL schools. Tom coordinates with the Recruiting Department for schools and the locations of recruiters. “I enjoy going to CDL schools right after a recruiter. The recruiters do such a good job and make my visit easy. If I go in before a recruiter, I simply just talk about my story. I tell them the truth. I tell them it is everything TMC said it was going to be and here is why...TMC is the easiest company to recruit for,” says Tom, “Everything is top-notch from the percentage pay, equipment, to the maintenance shop. I go to schools and just share my story”.
Being transparent about his experience at TMC and in flatbedding is very important to Tom. To find the best inside tips about TMC, Tom recommends checking out the many videos on YouTube and other helpful sites (such as driver forums) on the Internet. “The most important things for people right now are home time, pay, benefits, and equipment. TMC was the best all-around.” Tom also gives CDL students an in-depth look at the equipment so they know what to expect. “I let them look around, show them the sliding fifth wheel, and gauges. Those are unique to us, I don’t see very many companies around that have that type of technology.”
Understanding the reality of truck driving is critical. Tom explains the importance TMC places on having a support network in place and his mindset on the road, “There are always going to be bad things happening, but you have to look at the positives every day. Nothing comes easy; you have to work for your money...When I express to my wife I want to stay out and make more money, she tells me ‘go’. To have that family support is everything. You appreciate what you have more when you don’t have it anymore.” TMC has a spousal support Facebook page called ‘Home Team’ designed for TMC spouses who need support while their driver is on the road. Spouses can utilize the page to show a nearby TMC truck, weekend activities, and even ask for advice during a hard time.
“Occasionally, I will see a driver out on the road or at a terminal I recognize from a CDL school. Seeing them brings me joy. TMC gives so much to me and my family, I just want to do my part to give back,” said Tom. “I want to thank my Fleet Manager, Brad Carlson, the entire operations team, and the Recruiting Department for being a great support team. I can always find someone to talk to. Shout out to Lana Rold (Recruiting Administrative Assistant), Josh Deeds (Field Recruiter), Todd Cooper (Field Recruiter), Josh Heine (Field Recruiter), and Adam Hoffman (Field Recruiter) for doing such a great job. It is a team effort and these guys are awesome!”
Lana Rold reached out to TMC to express her gratitude for Tom, stating, “Gosh, words cannot express how much I appreciate what Tom has done for the Recruiting Department and myself. When he started doing school visits, I figured he was just going to do one or two, some here and there, but no. He has been killing it out there doing two or three a week. He has built relationships with some of the schools. Schools will call me and ask me specifically to send Tom and talk very highly of him. When he first started, he was doing so many school visits, I had to reach out to his Fleet Manager to make sure he was still making all his load appointments on time and doing his job! Tom is a great guy. I am so glad I have been given the opportunity to get to know him and have him helping me out. Thanks, Tom for all you do!”
Thank you to all our CDL schools, Tom Brandenburg, and our Recruiting Department for their hard work and dedication! With your help, we will continue to strive for our Destination: Excellence!