Best of the Best Gather For TMC's Annual Wheel Master Meeting
on Monday, March 7, 2016
Awards & Recognition
TMC Transportation's Wheel Master meeting took place this past Saturday, March 5th of 2016. The annual meeting took place at the industry elite open-deck carrier's headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa.

Back Row (Left to right): Mike LaVigne, Pat Lucash, Kevin Dinsdale, Danny Cagle, Jeff Wisgerhof, Marvin Hayes, Mark Skeen, Matt Bohl, Louis Steel II, Derek Boykin. Front Row (Left to right): Larry Brown, Don Norton, Dick Wyatt, Russ Allen, Harrold Annett, Roger Dannen, Les Bohlken, John Wheeler, Alan Wiegard
The Wheel Master award was created as a way to recognize TMC Transportation's best drivers. These drivers have ranged from experienced drivers, to drivers who began their career at TMC as recent CDL school graduates. Each year, a driver is honored with the Wheel Master distinction based on years of service with TMC, safe driving record, and overall quality performance.
The event brought in Wheel Masters both past and present, and served as a platform to induct the newest Wheel Master into the prestigious order. Of the Wheel Masters present, which included two retired drivers with over 20 years of service, there was a combined total of 388 safe driving years, and an astounding 46,629,596 safe driving miles.
Derek Boykin was named 2015's Wheel Master. He has had 19 years of experience and over two million safe driving miles. Derek humbly accepted the award before a room full of his peers and TMC management. Harrold Annett, TMC's chairman and CEO, was also in attendance. Derek had special guests of his own - his brother and sister-in-law drove up from Texas to surprise the newest Wheel Master on the big day.
"This meeting is one that everyone in the company looks forward to. It's not only a time to get the 'best of the best' together in one room to discuss current matters, but it is also a time where the drivers and office personnel can catch up and reminisce. Every time we get together, it is like a family gathering. There are many solid relationships that have been built with one another over the years," Travis Johnson, Executive Vice President of Operations explains. "This group of drivers has been the backbone of this company, and have helped build TMC Transportation into what it is today. We could not have accomplished what we have other the years without them."