Michael Rambo Named Trainer of September 2017
on Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Awards & Recognition
Michael has been hauling flatbed for TMC Transportation since October of 2014. Looking to further his career at TMC, he asked his Fleet Manager what he could do to improve in his current position and put himself in the next tier of success. His Fleet Manager suggested he try out training, and Michael decided to give it a go.
“I was already having success on my own, so I figured I had nothing to lose,” says Michael. “Working to improve my skills while teaching someone else how to do the job sounded like a win to me.”
“Mike feels his success is due to going home every weekend and getting his trainees home,” said Jeff Geist, Training Coordinator Manager. “He maintains that safety is first and does an exceptional job at educating and helping new drivers feel comfortable.”
Michael’s main goal as a trainer is to give his trainees a glimpse of what they will experience on their own. He wants to make sure new drivers can make a smooth transition into that role. “I try to make it as low-stress of an environment as possible,” says Michael. “That’s why I make them go home every weekend; so they can relax and recharge before starting a new week.”
The teaching aspect of training and seeing his trainees improve are Michael’s favorite parts of the job. “I try to get them to picture their goals and keep striving to accomplish them,” he says. “If you don’t get something right the first time, then step back, evaluate, and try again.”
For those that might be interested in training, Michael suggests acquiring plenty of experience out on the road first. “Make sure you know the job completely before you jump right in,” he says. “Also, trust your Fleet Manager; I wouldn’t be where I am today without mine.”
Driver trainers are vital to the TMC Training Department, and each month a trainer is chosen who demonstrates the outstanding qualities TMC looks for in a trainer. The Trainer of the Month recipient is chosen based on their safety record and the safety performance of their trainees, the number of drivers trained and the retention percentage of those drivers. Congratulations to our September 2017 Trainer of the Month, Michael Rambo!